Visio Divina
Lectio Divina ( reading the divine)
Lectio is an ancient method of reading the bible that is first recorded as being used in the C3rd where Ambrose teaches this method to Augustine of Hippo.
It’s a communal process but can be used at home alone.
First of all one person reads the bible passage and the rest listen . Pause before you communally read the passage together
have another short pause, then you read it silently waiting for one word or phrase to speak to us in our heart. Often it just feels that that one word stands out amongst the rest.that one word or phrase is singing to you.
And then you prayerfully contemplate the phrase at this point that you can respond with a creative act.
Rest and share .
We sit with what we have created and contemplate what the conversation has been to us personally.after this we share what God had spoken to us about.It always amazes me what God has spoken to each person.
Visio Divina
You can do this visually, and this is called Visio divina ( seeing the divine)
This process can be used with images
First of all wander around taking in the entire exhibition. But just letting your gaze rest lightly on each to the poetry
Then go through the exhibition again but this time be open to notice the things that speak to you it maybe just a colour, a line, a stroke, the way someone has drawn the piece, but go around again there is no time limit to this. taking note of anything that speaks to you.
Now go back to your notes and asked God what was it I was looking at and respond with your own original creative work. What was the invitation ? Was it a colour or a line ? The subject?
Finally you take what you have been inspired to create and contemplate what the conversation has been between the art work created and God and where has Gods voice been. At this point you may like to share your work. As often when we share work with others it leads to further revelation not just for ourselves but for others to
Thankyou for viewing the exhibition and taking part using Visio Divina. I’ve written these notes as an aid for your own future reference as well.
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